About Natural Burial
We receive a lot of questions about natural burial and what we do. We also sometimes read and hear information and opinions that are potentially misleading. Therefore, in a series of blogs we aim to answer questions and put minds at rest regarding natural burial, environmentally friendly funerals, and the services we provide. If there is question you would like answering please contact our team who would be happy to help.
Is natural burial really more environmentally friendly? – Yes, natural burial allows only environmentally friendly coffins, caskets or shrouds to be used. The deceased is not embalmed. Graves are dug by hand to a depth that maximises aerobic decomposition. And the burial grounds are maintained with a light touch to encourage nature and biodiversity. Furthermore, memorial options such as bird boxes, insect habitats and hedgehog homes support wildlife. The ultimate natural memorial is also available, a beautiful tree provides a lasting legacy for future generations to benefit from and enjoy.
Are we not running out of burial space? – Whilst this may be partially true in built-up areas where land has been used for housing, retail and factories. The fact is that we have been burying our dead in the UK for tens of thousands of years without problem. It has been estimated that if every death in the UK resulted in a burial this would count for only approximately 750 acres of land per year. There are also now over 300 natural burial grounds in the UK, a similar volume to the number of crematoria, which means that almost everyone has a natural burial ground reasonably close to their home.
Does natural burial cost more? – In many areas the cost of a plot and interment in a natural burial ground is much lower than in a local municipal cemetery. Natural burial is also comparable in cost to cremation in many areas, whilst also ensuring a beautiful, peaceful place to visit and remember loved ones.
What will happen to the burial ground in the future? – Our natural burial grounds will be left to nature, to ensure nature and biodiversity thrives and the community has a beautiful place to visit. Other natural burial grounds will be placed into trust. If you are unsure regarding your local natural burial ground feel free to contact them, we are sure they would welcome the opportunity to explain their future plans.
Can we have floral tributes at the funeral? – Yes. We simply ask that you don’t use plastic trays, florist foam (oasis) or other materials that are environmentally unfriendly. There are an increasing number of florists who offer green alternatives. And if you are lucky enough to have a garden, what could be more personal than picking a selection of home grown flowers for your loved one.
Do you really have picnics at the graveside? – Yes, during the warmer months many families have picnics at the natural burial ground. We only conduct one full burial a day, so you have the time to spend as you wish. Our team remain available for you and we can provide tea, coffee, squash and music via quality blue-tooth speakers. Our aim is to provide you everything you need to ensure a personal goodbye in a way that’s appropriate and special.