Introducing our Community Fund
25 Years of Care
To celebrate 25 years of caring for the environment and the community The Natural Burial Company are, throughout 2020, providing grants to local groups to support environmental projects.
Supporting the Environment
Caring for the environment is becoming more important and we applaud the work that so many are doing to make a positive difference. We know that this is not always easy and money can be tight. Therefore, community and charity groups may contact us to apply for a small grant to support this important work.
Who can apply and how?
It may be that you are a nursery group teaching children about the great outdoors, an allotment society, or a nature care group. Key is that you are local and are working to support the environment in one way or another.
To apply for a grant you simply need to email us at providing details of your group or organisation, a brief summary of the work you conduct, and how the money will be spent. Our funds are limited so we can’t help everyone, we also can’t help businesses, private individuals or political groups. However, we will do everything we can to help support the many wonderful groups who are working to make our world a better place.