(0116) 222 0247

Natural Burial during Covid – Update 14th May 2021

As you may be aware, restrictions on attending funeral and memorial services are being eased from Monday 17th May 2021.  However, some restrictions do remain and we wish to confirm how this will impact upon burial and memorial services at our natural burial grounds.

We have carefully considered how we can maximize the number of people who can arrange a burial service, whilst ensuring that social distancing can be safely adopted at the burial grounds and in our car parks.  Therefore,  we are pleased to announce that from Monday 17th May a total of fifty (50) people may attend full burial services at our natural burial grounds.  This is subject to social distancing being observed and all present abiding by the guidelines in place at the time of the service.

In order to help us prepare for services we request that we are provided with numbers attending in advance of any service if the number attending will exceed 25 people.  This will allow our team to take the appropriate precautions.  Confirmation of regulations and any additional requirements will also be provided to the funeral director or person arranging the burial at the earliest opportunity prior to the service.

With regards to services for cremated remains and memorial events such as tree planting, a maximum of thirty people are able to attend.  Again, we will contact the arranger prior to these services to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the regulations and to ensure the highest levels of safety for those present.

We will endeavor to remove all restrictions on numbers at the earliest legal and practical opportunity.  In the meantime we will work to see if we are able to increase the numbers who may attend services if this can be done safely.  Please accept our assurance that we are dedicated to helping and supporting everyone attending services and visiting our natural burial grounds, whilst doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.

We can, and will, continue to do everything we can to help support the bereaved, encourage nature and ensure biodiversity.  We are here for you at or on (0116) 222 0247.

Natural Burial Locations

Wrottesley Park

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